1. good technology
From a Sanskrit prefix su- means "good" and a Greek origin word téchnē means "technology".
2. coffee-machine
The term good technology is often used to refer a coffee-machine by some groups
3. good systems
Various good systems developed by a good team powered by a coffee-machine (coerced)
Sanskrit सु (su) ➔ Old Java, Dutch Orthography (su, soe) ➔ Indonesian (su).
Greek (téchnē) ➔ English (techno) ➔ Indonesian (tekno).
Why are you here? we're just a bunch of programmers who love codes, games, and coffee... We buy the coffee beans, and that is our own coffee machine too... so,
Heru Margowiyono | analyst, programmer, gamer | 2012 - |
Daniel Kurniawan | analyst, programmer, gamer | 2012 - |
Rudyanto | analyst, tester, implementor, gamer | 2014 - |
Bhekti Sulistiyo | programmer, trader, risk-taker, gamer | 2014 - 2019 |
Wiwik Dyah Septiana Kurniati | tester, implementor, secretary, treasurer | 2015 - 2020 |
Teguh Iman Ramadhan | programmer, gamer | 2015 - 2016, 2019 |
Yana Pudya Tarehtha | programmer | 2015 - 2016 |
Reza Kusumah | programmer | 2016 - 2019 |
Haryo Triwardhono | programmer | 2018 - 2018 |
Mukhlis Wicaksono | programmer | 2019 - Sep 2023 |
Immanuel Saragih | programmer | 2019 - Sep 2023 |
Rohimam | programmer | 2019 - Sep 2023 |
Novi Nurkhaeni | tester | 2022 - Sep 2023 |
Product Hierarchy (2012) | implemented |
Kompas Kampus (2013) | implemented |
Estoc War Session 1 [Kingdoms at War] with 'Perkutut Army' | Runner Up |
Mudaers (2013) | implemented |
Estoc War Session 2 [Kingdoms at War] with 'Perkutut Army' | Runner Up |
Kompas Anak (2013) | implemented |
Bali Bike (2013) | implemented |
Sisca Keagenan (2014) | implemented |
Estoc War Session 4 [Kingdoms at War] with 'Mini Mooncake' | World Champion | (2014) | implemented | (2015) | implemented |
Marcomm BP, Call Center (2016) | half-done, switched, partially implemented |
FastKom (2016) formerly "Sutekno" | implemented |
Jasatama Subscription (2018) | 3mo progress, cancelled! f*** |
GMMS (2019) | implemented |
Fina (2021) | partially implemented |
from 2017 onward we named ourself Sutekno Dev. Team
You'll find nothing here... you can go back home now... and don't forget "the devil is in the details"